Hester, Charles B., PFC
Sponsor: Friends & Co-workers of Hester & Flanig’s
Location: Kitsap Way
Replaced 07/2015, 01/2017. 06/2023
Pfc. Hester of Cataldo, Idaho moved to Bremerton in the sixth grade and attended Mountain View Middle School, Bremerton Junior High and Bremerton High. After high school, he moved to Idaho where he met his wife and they have a 3-year-old daughter. He joined the Army to take care of his wife and daughter and embraced his job and volunteered for hazardous duties. Charles joined the Army May 7th, 2004 and conducted his initial training at Fort Benning, Georgia receiving the military occupational specialty of 11B Infantryman. He reported for duty to Ft. Lewis in September of 2004 and deployed to Iraq with 3-2 Strykers in July, 2006. He earned an Occupational Program Certificate from the Job Corps in 2002. His awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal and Iraq Campaign Medal. He died in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered when the vehicle he was in struck an improvised explosive device. He was 23.
2nd Battalion
3rd Infantry Regiment
3rd Brigade
2nd Infantry Division
(Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
Fort Lewis, Wash